Historical Impact

2008 - 2020

Number of Quest Distribution Centres that act as the hub for food recovery and redistribution. Heartfelt thanks to VanCity for starting us on this ten-year journey.
Distribution Centres
Number of Quest trucks recovering and redistributing food and necessities to our not-for-profit markets. Heartfelt thanks to YVR, Richmond Honda and Walmart Foundation.
Number of Quest not-for-profit grocery markets serving the Lower Mainland. Heartfelt thanks to Moh Faris for launching the North Vancouver market.
Quest not-for-profit grocery markets
Dollar value of surplus food and necessities donated by Quest’s generous community partners.
Surplus Food and Necessities
$ 0
Number of client visits to Quest’s not-for-profit grocery markets to access healthy, affordable food and necessities.
Client Visits
Number of children from five inner-city schools who enjoyed healthy snacks during the school years. Heartfelt thanks to Fresh Direct and the Walji Family.
Number of individuals who shared a turkey dinner with their loved ones thanks to YVR’s Holiday Hamper Drive
Individuals who shared a turkey dinner
Number of hours contributed to Quest’s operations by our valued volunteers.
Volunteer hours
Metric tonnes of greenhouse gases eliminated from the environment.
Greenhouse gases eliminated
Generous support from financial and in-kind donors.


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